VR is magic
The aim of the game is to protect the entrance of your castle from several hordes, using your seals to cast powerful spells on the invasors
This is the main manu. you can chose from play, new game and quit. If you select new game you will listen from the next room a dialogue between your king and his advicer. It will introduce you to the current situation, then you will start sto play.
There are two different tipes of seals, one is casted with your bare hands the other is casted while you are holding the magic wand.
The following videos shows you some of the avaliable magic.
Level design
The castle has three main doors; near to them, the player has high rise tower where he can quikly teleport to defend the entrances
Every door has a different battle field infront of it, this change the gameplay in a significant way. Some spells are more effective in long range while others don't. Infact the first door has a wide field but it does not develop in lenght.
On the other hand, the player,
in the second entrance has a long sight of view and the enemies are forced to travel along the strict bridge.
The last battle field is both large and with a long shoot distance. In there, when the situation is getting complicated you can cast your biggest spells like the tornado.
For modeling and texturing the goblins I used ZBrush. Then I exported it to Mixamo for rigg and animations. I used ZBrush also for the specific object that i neded, like tha wand, scrolls and the basic shape of some magics.